Youth Swims & Paddles
Saturday, August 2, 2025

The youth events for the International Surf Festival will be held on the north side of the Hermosa Beach Pier. What would a Surf Festival be without swimming and paddling events for the youth of the South Bay. There will be a boys and girls division for each event.
Events include: 300 Yard Rough Water Swim (10-12 yrs); 500 Yard Rough Water Swim (13-15 yrs); Boogie Board Race (10-14 yrs); Coaches Choice Race (10-17 yrs); Surfboard Race (10-12 yrs); Surf Board Race (13-15 yrs); Tandem Surfboard Race (10-17 yrs).
Participants must provide their own boogie boards and surfboards (Soft Board Only). Surfboards are limited to 9'6" maximum length. Boards will be provided for the tandem race. Youth events are free and open to all experienced swimmers in the age groups listed.
The event is hosted by the Surfside Swim Team. Bring signed and dated registration form with you on race day. For additional information, contact John York at: surfsideswimteam@verizon.net.
Event applications, race results, and event photos are available from a link on this webpage.

John York
Event Coordinator