South Bay Boardriders Club Summer Surf Off
Saturday, August 2, 2025

This event is Hosted by:
Matt Walls
Event Coordinator
The South Bay Boardriders Club Summer Surf Off will be held on the south side of the Manhattan Beach Pier. This venue is one of the premier surfing locations in the South Bay.
This surf contest is one of the original events of the International Surf Festival when the event began in 1962.
Divisions: Micro Grom Assist ages 9 and under
Micro Grom ages 9 and under
Groms ages under 12
Boys and Girls ages under 15
Juniors ages under 18
Open Mens all ages
Open Women’s all ages
Open Longboard all ages
Masters ages 40-49
Legends ages 50-59
Super Legends agens 60+
Online Entry fees: South Bay Boardriders Club members $60.00, non-members $85.00 Extra division: $25.00
Beach Entry fees: South Bay Boardriders Club members $85.00, non-members $110.00 Extra division: $25.00
All contestants receive contest T-shirt and lunch.
Trophies to all the finalist
More info at Southbayboardriders.org

International Surf Festival